英语 教师资源


Welcome to the Online REC (Resources for 英语 Colleagues)!

Here you will find a selection of sample syllabi, texts, activities, ideas, 和 resources for teaching 夏博英语课 College. The online REC is a digital companion site to the physical REC Room, located in room 451A on the second floor of building 400. The REC Room has paper copies of samples 和 a resource library of texts about pedagogy 和 texts appropriate for adoption in your classes. It also serves as a physical meeting place for all part-time 和 full-time 英语 faculty to meet about teaching 英语 在“.

Online resources are organized into the categories below. Some resources may be housed in more than one category, for your convenience. The short notes that precede the links to resources provide an introduction to the Chabot 英语 Department’s pedagogical approach to that aspect of teaching. These notes are all drawn from the “大学 英语 Department 哲学 和 教学实践, 和 document that you can read in its entirety at the LINK here, 和 which is a must-read for instructors teaching 夏博英语课.

Samples have been created 和 used by Chabot 英语 faculty. They can be used as inspiration to adapt for use in your own classes. Please be mindful of the intellectual 和 creative pedagogical work of Chabot colleagues. If you have questions or would like suggestions about particular resources 和/or how you might use 他们, you can contact the faculty author directly. The academic, professional, 和 personal growth of Chabot students is our top priority!

This collection of samples 和 resources will be updated periodically, as we support the ongoing investigation of new teaching approaches. We value self-reflective, responsive teaching practice to continually improve instruction in a changing world.

Please direct any other questions to REC Room coordinator Clara McLean (cmclean@bellezhang.com) or web coordinator Simon Abramowitsch (sabramowitsch@bellezhang.com).

The course syllabus offers an overview of course design. The syllabus is a vital document for instructors 和 students. It clarifies 和 communicates the goals, expectations, activities, 他们es, 和 structure of the course in language, organization, 和 design that students can clearly underst和. It should provide answers to questions such as: What will I learn? 我该怎么办呢?? How will I be graded? 事情什么时候会发生? 发生? It is also an important early point of contact in forming an effective relationship between instructor 和 students. The syllabus provides a road map for the course, 和 those 他们es 和 objectives are developed in the specific activities 和 assignments 这堂课. (Thus, in the resources below you can view sample syllabi with accompanying major assignments 和 activities).

At all levels of 英语 we integrate reading, writing 和 critical thinking, focusing on 1) teaching broad-based foundational skills in reading 和 writing for academic success; 2) teaching skills that are unique to the discipline of 英语 和 literature; 3) increasing students’ familiarity with academic culture; 和 4) the creation of meaning that resonates beyond the classroom 和 connects to students’ lived experience. We emphasize critical thinking as the creation of meaning: it is not limited to concepts of formal logic but includes grouping, drawing inferences, evaluating, questioning, 和 assessing information 和 ideas.

All core transfer-level composition classes at “大学 require the reading of at least one full-length text 和 the writing of several academic papers, totalling 6000个单词. Further details about each course (objectives, content, assignments, presentation) can be found in the course outlines, linked here:

We also offer preparatory (pre-ENGL 1) 英语 courses (ENGL 101 和 102). 这种“通过/不 pass" pre-transfer-level curriculum affords students the time 和 practice necessary to develop reading, writing, critical thinking 和 academic skills without the additional pressure of a final course grade. We offer students in these courses the same kind of reading, writing 和 critical thinking experiences we offer in transfer-level courses.

Resources Link Here:


“大学 students enter 我们的教室s with a diverse range of educational experiences 和准备. Our classrooms, especially our ENGL 1 classrooms will have diverse learners, 和 we can best serve 他们 by learning about 他们 as a group 和 as individuals: who they are, what they know 和 can do, 和 how to effectively support their learning.

The use of intake questionnaires, surveys, 和 short non-graded reading 和 writing assignments very early in the semester is a valuable way of learning about students. This knowledge is helpful in two 方法: 1) as a basis to form positive relationships, 和 2)  to design 和 adapt course activities 和 materials to provide appropriate, targeted scaffolding 和 support to help students succeed.

Beyond the introductory questionnaire, which is a starting point for relationships between instructors 和 students, we believe that instructors should work to facilitate connections 和 community in the classroom throughout the semester, not only between the instructor 和 students but also among students. A great deal of research indicates that strong social connections in classrooms among students 和 instructors can play a significant role in student academic success. Our students have much to teach us 和 each other, 和 we support 他们 in bringing their knowledge 和 experience into 我们的教室. Activities that build engagement, rapport, trust, 和 value of student knowledge support intellectual discovery, peer support, 和 more effective instruction.


The selection of relevant, engaging, 和 intellectually rigorous course texts is a vital component of course design. Book-length works, fiction or non-fiction, must be included at all levels of our curriculum, including pre-ENGL 1 courses. 一个完整的 text is defined as any work that sustains 他们es, including a book of short 文章s 作者单一. St和 alone 文章s, articles, 和 other texts are recommended for use in conjunction with full-length texts to provide a variety of models. 我们建议 that the texts be integrated into the course 他们atically.

In the choosing of course texts, it is critical to build bridges between class texts 和 our students' lives, 和 give 他们 access to worlds beyond their own. 我们知道 that students are empowered when they see 他们selves reflected in the texts 和 authors 他们读. We also know that the horizon of knowledge is exp和ed when students read diverse worldviews, experiences 和 perspectives.

In ENGL 1 和 the pre-ENGL 1 level, we recommend that non-fiction be used, 和 that if fiction or autobiographical works are assigned, they be analyzed for issues 和 他们es connected to other readings in the course rather than for literary aspects.

Resources Link Here: SAMPLE COURSE TEXTS

Major writing assignments in the core composition classes should focus on the academic 文章. While informal writing exercises 和 personal reflection are important parts of the writing process, formal major 文章s should require students to critically respond to or analyze class texts 和 他们es. Major writing assignments should also require students to sustain 和 support complete arguments. Assignments based upon class texts 和 sustained argumentation serve our students by fostering academic reading, writing, 和 critical thinking skills. The major writing assignments for the course should follow a clear assignment arc, in which students write 和 revise 文章s of increasing length 和 complexity.


Students who improve their reading tend to improve their writing 和 vice-versa. At all levels of our 英语 courses, instructors should create settings which integrate reading, writing, critical thinking, speaking, 和 listening, fostering the building 的社区.

阅读: An active reading style is critical to improving reading comprehension 和 more effective in helping students grasp ideas 和 meaning than "word by word reading.“我们必须积极地 lead students in the classroom to critically read assigned texts, 和 directly address students' reading practices, model effective reading strategies, coach students in developing their own strategies (e.g. pre-reading, annotation, identifying organizational 模式...), 和 make use of class time to process the reading. There are many creative 方法 of bringing a text to life for students, 和. Imagination is an important part of critical reading 和 critical thinking. Instructors should cultivate effective reading strategies that students can utilize in diverse academic contexts.


写作: Students should learn writing as a process. As teachers, we best serve students by guiding 他们 through a series of writing stages to encompass brainstorming, pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing 和 self-evaluation. Writing activities should help students to comprehend course texts 和 ideas, 和 clarify their own thinking in relation to the ideas of others, including course text authors 和 their peers. 遗嘱的一部分 include personal reflection, but writing activities should also focus on explicit practice of the skills 和 techniques of academic writing, such as creating thesis statements, organizing coherent paragraphs, using evidence in support of a claim, accurately quoting 和 citing, analyzing the language 和 content of others, 和 so 出来. And rather than focusing on st和-alone grammar exercises, we should address sentence-level errors in the context of our students' own writing, 和 with the goal of enabling 他们 to become independent writers 和 proofreaders.


Research is a component of all three core transfer-level composition classes: ENGL 1, ENGL 4, 和 ENGL 7. Students should learn the basics of conducting effective research, which includes: finding sources using library catalogs, academic databases, 和 search engines; evaluating sources for their relevance, credibility, 和 quality; integrating 和 synthesizing multiple sources; 和 accurately citing sources using st和ard academic 引用样式. In a class, research might be conducted individually or as a group, for a paper or a presentation. Especially in ENGL 1, setting up a library research orientation is recommended. In addition, classroom activities, assignments, 和 computer lab time should support the development of these skills with explicit instruction 和 guided practice. 


Collaborative group activities 和 assignments provide valuable, authentic opportunities to integrate the development of reading, writing, critical thinking, speaking, 和 listening skills while building community in the classroom. Students teach 和 learn a great deal from each other; they provide academic 和 social support in invaluable 方法. Smaller activities include group discussions 和 collaborative paragraph writing; larger stakes assignments can include group 文章 assignments, group research presentations, 和 group dramatic performances. Group projects can be conducted in-person, online or in a combination of face-to-face 和 online collaboration, using technology such as Canvas 和 Google Docs. 


Students’ academic, professional, 和 personal lives extend beyond the classroom, 和 they can face real world challenges that can influence or impede their learning 和 long-term academic success. As instructors we are often important points of contact between “大学 和 students. We can be access points to help students find 和 utilize campus resources that can help fulfill their needs. This list is not exhaustive, but it provides quick links to key resources for students so that we can help direct 他们.

Academic 辅导 和 Suppport:

咨询, Educational, Financial, Social, Health 和 Other Resources